Never in a million years would we EVER admit to watching the television show Married With Children on TBS. It happens to be the TV show we turn to for slowly waking up while reading the morning newspaper, drinking the first cup of coffee and discussing the day. The morning television news at 5:00am just recycles itself ad nauseum in an endless loop and the limited basic cable offerings of real estate channels, cable access calendars, religious programming and QVC do nothing to tantalize the sleepy mind. But, Married With Children in all of it's ridiculous manner does have bits and pieces of good writing that have us guffawing and chortling, in spite of ourselves, in between coffee sips and reading the news of the day, Dear Annie's column and completing the daily Sudoku puzzle in the Times-Standard. It's all just an amalgamation of our morning ritual. Sure Al is a boob and Peg is obnoxious. Sure Marcy and Steve/Jefferson are over the top. Sure Bud and Kelly are cartoonish, but here we are, from 5am to 7am with four back-to-back episodes whirring away in the background as we discuss world events, local politics and do laundry. We never once watched a full episode during it's original run. What's most amusing is their poking fun at the currents events of the late 1980's, many of which we completely forgot about. Although, that Sammy Cahn/Jimmy Van Heusen tune sung by Frank Sinatra will stick with you all day. Everyone follow along: "Love and marriage, love and marriage... go together like a horse and carriage..."
We wonder how many other discoveries we have missed based upon our pride, preconceived notions and pseudo-intellectual social rules. On the other hand, we beg you TBS, do NOT put Two and A Half Men in the morning rerun rotation.
When Married With Children first came out and I got my first brief exposure to it, I thought it was lame and wouldn't last more than a few episodes. I ended up becoming a full fledged fan of the show. Not sure why.
Ahhh Kelly xoxoxox
"Kelly" ended up starring on Broadway a few years ago in "Sweet Charity." The New York critics and writers were prepared to skewer her singing and dancing but she ended up charming them and they loved her true Broadway spirit (she performed with a broken ankle during press performances). They even nominated her for a Tony.
"So you think I'm a loser? Just because I have a stinking job that I hate, a family that doesn't respect me, a whole city that curses the day I was born? Well, that may mean loser to you, but let me tell you something. Every morning when I wake up, I know it's not going to get any better until I go back to sleep again. So I get up, have my watered down Tang and still-frozen Pop Tart, get in my car with no upholstery, no gas and six more payments to fight traffic just for the privilege of putting cheap shoes on the cloven hooves of people like you. I'll never play football like I thought I would, I'll never know the touch of a beautiful woman, and I'll never again know the joy of driving without a bag on my head. But I'm not a loser. 'Cause despite it all, me and every other guy who'll never be what he wanted to be are still out there, being what we don't wanna be, forty hours a week, for life. The fact that I haven't put a gun to my head makes me a winner!"
(Al Bundy, 2002)
"Kelly" ended up starring on Broadway a few years ago in "Sweet Charity."
Kelly, whose real name escapes me now, is starring in a prime time TV show. It was on last night but I didn't watch it and the name of the show escapes me now, just like her real name.
christina applegate
Yep. The wife remembered it before I did, about 45 minutes after I posted my comment.
Poor "Bud", where is he now?
I doubt Bud is "poor" with all of the residuals from the reruns...it's probably playing right now somewhere in the world.
Bud: I can't believe we're in mourning.
Kelly: Well I don't know about you, but here it's the afternoon.
Bud’s been doing fine. David Faustino is his other, lesser known name claiming fame to the Bundy legacy-- playing the character from its debut on April 5, 1987 and appearing in 259 episodes until its final episode broadcast on June 9, 1997. He’s played in a few bit B movies, done voiceovers and commercials, got married and divorced, got busted on some minor matters in typical Hollywood fashion, and bought a nightclub. Aside from his acting, he’s been in the rap music industry under the name D' Lil. One of his recent spoofy projects—I kid you not—is America’s Homeless Got Talent, a clip of which is found on his website here.
If you ever wondered who really gets the quickie marriage done at The Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas... well, our friend Bud was one of them. While the actual ceremony takes 8-20 minutes to perform (a drive through option is also available), the marriage itself lasted two years.
Bud: I was caught having sex in the college library.
Al: All right; that's my boy! [starts shaking Bud's hand] Who's the lucky girl?
Bud: You're shaking her.
Up All Night is the name of the show. It's just okay, but that's an opinion from the first airing. We will see. It might be like Al and Peg where we end up loving the show.
We wonder how many other discoveries we have missed based upon our pride, preconceived notions and pseudo-intellectual social rules. On the other hand, we beg you TBS, do NOT put Two and A Half Men in the morning rerun rotation.
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