The destruction to the three Rohnerville cemeteries on October 30th was absolutely inexcuseable. Some believe it was drunken aggression and retaliation? What is wrong with people? Where is the falling down of society coming from? What purpose does this serve the criminal? These are questions that will never be answered. Jail time and fines won't repair the damage to these historic family memorials. We hope karma works its magic on the two perpetrators.
Times-Standard story
Hopefully, the judge who hears the case will take into consideration the maintenance that needs to be done in ALL local cemeteries and sentence these two miscreants to many hours of community service communing with and cleaning the grave sites of local descendants. Perhaps a bug in the ear of the DA's office to NOT allow this pair to plead out is in order.
Yes, community service at the exact site they destroyed is perfectly in order. Good call, Beachcomber.
How do you know that it was two people? It sounds to me like a "kid thing". They need to be caught and set straight.
Garberville has had some graveyard vandalism also. It's really a shame, because gravestones are history and it is irreplacable.
They caught the culprits that very night Ernie...a guy and a gal, both 22-years old. Grrr...
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