Spence: Go down to Safeway in Fortuna right now and pick up a package of Guy Fieri's Sonoma Wine Country Pork Sausage. We did and are still recovering from the taste explosion. (Kate: and the indigestion). Say what you will about the man, (I only knew him briefly when he was a teenager in Ferndale, but I knew his parents very well) but don't dis his sausages. Absolutely incredible flavor. Can't wait to try the other flavors..,.Apricot Sesame, Smoked Tequila Lime and Unyawn's Cajun Style,
Something about this guy annoys me. I have heard unfavorable things about his personality, but since I never met him I won't hold that against him. His over-the-top style, however, and what I see as questionable taste in food ensures I won't be trying his sausage (and there really was no good way to write that last line).
It's called show business.
Americans across the land, albeit, perhaps not here in healthy food saavy Humboldt County, love his obesity-inducing heart collapsing fare. He found a niche and filled it. He probably won't be taking his show to the Tofu Shoppe anytime soon.
Doug, I feel the same way about some of it. Spence asked if I'd like to go to his restaurant in Windsor/Santa Rosa and I answered "absolutely not!" I believe he is the Olive Garden of television chefs (chefi?) but I really liked his sausage (and there really was no good way to write that last line).
Kate, one other thing about him is that it all feels a bit ... fake. Again, I've never met him, and I do understand show business (I'm involved in my own little way), but still -- fake. I'm not a huge sausage fan, either.
I have news for everyone. All television is fake. It's all manufactured. Unless you actually see an unencumbered live camera shot of something without a hosted segment, then THAT is the only non manufactured show. Other than that, it's all entertainment.
Except for Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, perhaps.
Oh brother...
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