Monday, February 6, 2012

Duane Rigge--Your Services Are No Longer Needed

The Fortuna City Council has just summarily dismissed Duane Rigge effective some time soon.  They never even considered "negotiating" a new contract, they went right to how to recruit a new City Manager.  They may ask Rigge to stay and help select the new manager.  Oh SNAP!


Becky R said...

I watched on tv and it was surprising to see that there was never even going to be a discussion about renewing his contract. I thought it was still an option.

Anonymous said...

What happened? Was he asking for too much money? Why didn't they renew his contract?

Kate said...

Ahh, good questions Anonymous. While it wasn't mutual, it didn't seem unexpected. There have been no substantial public statements about the situation.

fred in the friendly city said...

Honestly, I think Duane is simply ready to retire. He didn't put up a fight and it seemed a done deal. Not sure why he doesn't just say he's retiring and call it a day.

Anonymous said...

There were negotiations - they were in closed session. They can't talk about that in open session, it would be a brown act violation.

Duane's 4/5 council vote to remove him in his current contract was found to be in violation of city ordinances, and Duane was not willing to let go of the four fifth's vote - not that I blame him.