Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Living With A Cougar

Oh now, stop it!  The title doesn't refer to, nevermind.

There was another mountain lion sighting in Arcata as reported in today's Times-Standard.  Oh, the mountain lions are out there, that's a given.  How often humans get to see them is another issue.  I have had the rare opportunity of seeing five mountain lions in the past 40 years.  I have been very lucky.    The first sighting was when I was around 12 years old.  This cat was drinking out of the river below our house in the middle of the day.  The second sighting occurred when I was working one summer for the U.S. Forest Service.  Through the middle of a cut-block cruised two...yes, two, teenage cougars side by side.  Seeing that was a rarity in itself.   The fourth cat ambled right in front of me as I was driving on Fickle Hill Road in Arcata and disappeared into the woods.  And, a couple of years ago, I saw what I thought was a large dog run across Highway 101 at night near Trinidad.  The last glimpse I got of the puma was of the long tail vanishing into a ravine.   My father, who worked in the woods his entire life, didn't get the chance to see even one of nature's most elusive creatures.

Yes, I have been lucky living with the cougar.    (Oh, stop it...!)


Yet another Cougar sighting!  


Saint Chuck said...

Now, Spence, we all know that cougars are traditionally considerably older than their male companions, and in Kate's case, I'm guessing that's not so. In, fact, I would venture to say that...oh, never mind. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey! Isn't Arcata Tiger country?

Kate said...

Thank you Saint Chuck. I'm a baby cougar...two years older...and wiser...

Ernie Branscomb said...

I count 6, the 5 that you saw, and the "Baby Couger that caught you.

Kate said...

"Glove soft vinyl." The voice is so smooth I had to listen twice because I thought "surely he didn't just say 'glove soft vinyl.'" LOVE IT!

Doug Brunell said...

I guess living with a cougar is better than living with tweakers. No?